Identify Your Emotional Support Animal With Our Official ESA™ ID Card – Get Yours Today!

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Your Pet's Official ESA™ ID Card Includes:

 Official ESA™ ID Card  
Customized with your ESA's name
Instantly verify your pet's ESA status
Enhance credibility with professional design
Foster understanding and acceptance 
Durable, wallet-friendly size for easy access
Reduce potential conflict or questions
Encourage awareness of emotional support animals
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Regulary $24


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 Support Pets helps your dog or cat to be recognized as an Emotional Support Animal (ESA) when needed as a reasonable accommodation for a substantially limiting emotional disorder. "Official ESA®" is a registered trademark of Support Pets for branding purposes, which does not imply any endorsement, approval, or necessity by any government entity; nor are the company's products or services required by law or affiliated with any government entity. Under current applicable federal law, regulations, and guidance, pets legally qualify as emotional support animals (ESA) only for persons who have an impairment substantially limiting one or more major life activities and who need an ESA for their disability (not including impairments due to the current illegal use of drugs). For purposes of reasonable accommodations in terms of housing, waivers of no-pet policies and pet fees are only legally required for individuals who have qualifying disabilities. Many states, including Pennsylvania and others, make it a criminal offense punishable by significant fines to falsely or fraudulent misrepresent the need for a service or emotional support animal in connection with seeking reasonable accommodations in terms of housing. 
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